Platform Engineering

Previously, server systems and configurations were maintained by hand. Our specialty is the automation of this process to create more time for development, reduce operating costs and increase quality and security.

Through our many years of experience as software and system architects, we understand the demands of software development and operations equally. A seamless interaction of both disciplines is called DevOps. DevOps is the connection between software development (Dev) and operations organization (Ops).


More time for development

Our DevOps solutions accelerate development, deployment and operations processes:

  • Shorter time-to-market by leveraging proven technologies (Git, Docker, Kubernetes) and methodologies (CI/CD, GitOps)
  • Shorter feedback cycles by closing gaps between development and production environments
  • No waiting times due to self-service approach


Reduction of operating costs

We find the right balance between automation, control and complexity:

  • Automation makes operations more reliable and less expensive
  • Unification of software environments and standardization of processes increases efficiency and reduces costs
  • Flexibility in the choice of provider (hybrid cloud) through the use of open source technologies

Quality and Security

Increase Quality and Security

We work according to the "Security By Design" approach by systematically analyzing and evaluating the respective security properties of a system as early as the design phase. In addition, we are very familiar with the high IT security requirements of environments with highly sensitive data:

  • Traceability through transparency in the infrastructure (logging, versioning)
  • Adherence to security and compliance rules through the use of central policies in the areas of authentication, authorization, configuration and source code quality, library patch status, among others)
  • Integrated and automated monitoring of the infrastructure (services, certificates, etc.)



Novaloop provides consulting or hands-on support - in every phase of your project. We are used to modernize complex application landscapes. Be it a Shift Left transformation, a Lift and Shift Cloud Migration or just a selective improvement in the release process, we understand the appropriate methods and technologies and find a suitable solution for you.

Cloud Native

Core skills

Novaloop specializes in providing modern DevOps platforms. The following is an excerpt of our core competencies:

Application Modernization:

  • Fit for the Cloud / for Kubernetes (The Twelve-Factor App)
  • From a monolithic to a microservice architecture
  • Adaptations for failover and scaling

Building and provisioning cloud / Kubernetes infrastructures:

  • Provisioning of infrastructure components (Kubernetes clusters, VMs, databases, storage, etc.)
  • Configuration and hardening of Kubernetes (Network Policies, Pod Security Admission, Service Mesh etc.)
  • Automation and management of configurations, certificates and passwords
  • Ongoing monitoring and reporting (logs, traces, metrics, alerts, dashboards)
  • Centrally controlled integration of security and compliance requirements (DevSecOps)
  • Robust backup and disaster recovery

Internal Developer Platform:

  • CI pipelines for quality assurance and security vulnerability scanning
  • CD pipelines for automated delivery of software releases and environments
  • Automated creation of preview/on-demand environments
  • Self-service portals and tools for software developers